We will attend EV Charge Show in Istanbul 13th Nov 2024

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    With the rapid growth of electric vehicles, electric vehicle chargers are becoming more and more common. The demand for electric vehicle charging is a new growth business area and a project that many companies are willing to invest in.

    From 13 November to 15, 2024, a professional trade exhibition of electric vehicle charging facilities will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, EVchargeshow. It brings together professionals in the electric vehicle field and provides equipment and technical knowledge for entrepreneurs and companies interested in the electric vehicle charging business.

    We will participate in this professional electric vehicle exhibition and will carry type 1, type 2, GBT and other electric vehicle chargers and related accessories. We are a one-stop service provider for chargers and hope to meet you at the exhibition.

    ev chargeshow 2024

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    Nicole Zhou

    Especialistas en carga de vehículos eléctricos

    Hola, soy Nicole, la fundadora de la empresa Honors EV.

    En los últimos 5 años, hemos trabajado con más de 45 países y más de 100 clientes como distribuidores, fabricantes de estaciones y amantes de los conductores de vehículos eléctricos para proteger sus plantas y cultivos.

    También soy un gran fanático de los autos eléctricos. Si tienes algún problema con ellos, llámanos gratis para hablar sobre tu solución.

    Estamos a su disposición para cualquier información técnica o comercial.

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