22kW EV Charging: Detailed introduction

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I believe that many people are not unfamiliar with 22kw EV charger, especially when we are choosing and using the charging post to charge, we can often see different output power such as 7kw, 11kw and 22kw. If you want to know more about 22kw EV chargers, then let's read on.
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    What is 22kW EV charging or 22kw three-phase charging?

    It actually refers to an electric vehicle charger with an output of 22kw. A 22kw EV charger is also often called a 22kw three-phase charger because it must use three-phase power. It is important to note that all types of EV chargers use three phase power except for those under 7 kW which use single phase power.

    Can I install a 22kw EV charger at home?

    In theory, it is possible to install a 22kw EV charger at home. However, in practice, there are a number of problems that we face when installing this higher output EV charger at home. The two most important conditions are:

    • Whether your car supports 22KW power or not
    • Whether you can install three-phase power supply at home

    Currently, most of the family cars on the market only support 7kw power, so you need to check the parameters of your car to make sure your car can support 22kw power. Secondly, a normal single phase power supply will not allow your electric charger to output 22kw power, you must be eligible to install a three phase power supply.

    charging a car with a 22kw charger

    Does a 22kw electric charger use AC or DC power?

    There are 22kW AC EV chargers and DC EV chargers on the market today. Only, we usually do not find it easily because 22kw AC EV chargers are more expensive. Secondly, cars that can support 22kw AC charging are also uncommon, so 22kw DC EV chargers are more widely used than 22kw AC EV chargers.

    Is 22kW a fast charger?

    Yes. Generally slow charging means charging at 3-7kw. And 22k far exceeds this standard, therefore it is classified as fast charging. The familiar 3.3kw and 7kw are slow chargers.

    Of course, there is also a kind of ultra-fast charging pile that can reach more than 40kw, from 0 to fully charged in half an hour, just not very common at present. Moreover, the damage to fast charging and ultra-fast charging to the car battery cannot be minimized yet, so it is more suitable to choose slow charging for home use, while fast charging is suitable for emergency or long-distance travel.

    What is the best 22kW EV charger?

    We tested several common 22kW EV chargers on the market, and in my opinion the best 3-phase 22kW EV charger is the honorsev charge.

    type 2 to type 2 ev charging cables

    They have come up with a type 2 to type 2 EV Charging. This 22kw EV charger features advanced smart charging technology that recognizes many different car models to ensure safe and efficient charging. It also has a built-in smart overload protection system, but when it detects overvoltage, overcurrent, and overheating, it will automatically activate the protection function to ensure safe charging.

    How much does it cost to install a 22kw charging post?

    If you have been using a 7kw electric charger before, the price of a 22kw charger will be much higher. Because you need to pay more labor and material resources. Therefore, the exact cost depends on the hourly rate of the local workers and the price of the materials used to install the 3-phase power supply.

    In the UK, UK Power Networks publishes a summary of average cost and completion time publically. UK Power Networks 2022 average cost to upgrade to phase 3 supply is: 12% of Phase 3 upgrades cost £1,700 – £3,500 (+VAT) 70% of Phase 3 upgrades cost £3,500 – £6,000 (+VAT)

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    Nicole Zhou

    Especialistas em carregamento de veículos elétricos

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