Why is AC wallbox is the best choice for home charging?

As the development and demand for electric vehicles increase, more and more people are choosing to install charging posts at home to conveniently charge their electric vehicles. When choosing home charging piles, AC charging cables are generally used to adapt to them, commonly known as "slow charging".
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    As the development and demand for electric vehicles increase, more and more people are choosing to install charging posts at home to conveniently charge their electric vehicles. When choosing home charging piles, AC charging cables are generally used to adapt to them, commonly known as "slow charging". In this article, we will talk about the reasons for using AC charging cables for electric vehicle home charging stations, and introduce its importance and advantages.

    Improve charging efficiency

    Since AC charging requires the conversion of AC power to DC power, the charging process in AC charging mode has fewer conversion losses, which makes full use of the power and improves charging efficiency

    More safety

    AC walbox stations are on the low side of the power scale and have a low impact on the grid, AC charging also has a relatively small temperature rise during the charging process, making the entire charging process relatively safe and convenient.

    The wallbox stations cost are relatively lower

    The cost of AC wallbox station is relatively low, simple structure, only need single-phase 220V voltage can be installed quickly, construction restrictions are small, do not need to co-ordinate the grid resources and land use authority, is the first choice of household and unit pile, AC charging pile technology maturity is high, the equipment is relatively simple, so the cost of purchasing, installing and maintaining the AC charging pile is also relatively low.

    Extended battery life

    When comparing DC and AC charging piles, AC charging piles (slow charging) are better for the battery. Firstly the current in a DC charger is much higher than an AC charger, which can lead to accelerated deterioration within the battery due to the high temperatures generated when using a DC charger, which can significantly shorten the life of the battery. The advantage of AC charging is that it is a slow charger, ensuring that each battery cell is as fully charged as possible. This is like, the car driving on the road to install the required speed to drive, and for the battery slow charging, it is equivalent to how much you need, I give you how much, and is the right amount, of course, from the use of life above, then, for the prolongation of the battery life is also a certain help.

    The wallbox station features

    LCD screen

    The LCD screen of the device can view status, safety warnings, charging records, and settings.

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    Nicole Zhou

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