Definition of 11kw EV charger
An electric vapor charger is an 11kw EV charger if it has an output of 11 kWh per hour. Typically, an 11kw electric vapor charger is able to provide a range of 38-40 miles per hour, which is enough to handle city commuting or neighborhood excursions. It charges faster than a 7kw charger, but less than a 22kw EV charger.

What is the difference between a 7kW and 11kW EV charger?
As we can see from the definition of 11kW EV charger, the difference between 7kW and 11kW EV chargers is the different charging rate. 11kW chargers charge 0.5 times faster than 7kW chargers. That is to say, assuming the same conditions (if the conditions are different, such as battery condition, weather and other factors may lead to a greater difference in the results), charging an electric car for one hour, then when you use a 7kw charger to charge, you often need to charge for half an hour more than an 11kw charger to achieve the same power.
Does the 11kw use a single-phase electricity supply, or a three phase electrcity supply?
Single phase electricity supply is only available for EV chargers up to and including 7kw, so if you choose an 11kw EV charger then a three phase electricity supply must be installed. However, it is important to note that not all residential areas meet the requirements for installing a three-phase power supply, so you will need to check with your local grid company.
You can also pay more to upgrade your EV charger to 22kw if your EV supports a higher charging rate EV charger that also qualifies for installation of a 3-phase electricity supply.

How can I tell if I am eligible to install an 11kW charger?
EV compatibility
The first thing to consider is whether your electric car is compatible with 11kw charging. The vast majority of electric vehicles currently charge at a maximum rate of 7kwh, so even if you upgrade to an 11kwh charger, you will still only be able to charge at 7kwh.
Installation of 3-phase electricity supply
As we mentioned earlier, any EV charger above 7kwh needs to be fitted with a three-phase electricity supply. However, many areas do not qualify for this, so you should speak to your local grid company to determine if you meet the requirements for installing a three-phase electricity supply.
The output power of an electric car charger determines the price. Since the output power of an 11kw charger is much higher than that of a 7kw charger, the price of an 11kw charger will be much more expensive than that of a 7kw charger. In addition to this, there is a difference in the accessories used and the cost of labor spent on both.
Compliance with local policies
Many countries and regions have corresponding policies and requirements for electricity. For example, some places need to take into account fire hazards, environmental policies and other issues, which all bring some obstacles to the installation of 11kw. Therefore, we need to understand clearly the corresponding policies and requirements before installing 11kw charger.
How to use 11kw electric charger?
Once you have installed the 11kw charger according to the requirements, the usage is very simple. You only need to unlock the electric car, then align the plug on the charging post with the charging port of the electric car, then set the charging time on the cell phone app, and when the charging is finished, unplug the 11kw electric charger before putting it back to the charging post.